Kara, I am so sorry to hear that your loved one is drinking again. It is SO hard to be in that situation! My parents met in AA and I was blessed that they stayed sober until the day they died, but, I have a brother who was an alcoholic. It was terrifying for me at times as a child. He was an adult when I was born, so, I have always known him as an alcoholic. As a child, I never understood why my mom kept taking him back. He was always dark and abusive when he drank. As a mom now, I totally understand. It's just heartbreaking to watch and to draw that line where you need to be emotionally healthy as well. I hope that your loved one will be safe and find their way back. You did the right thing, sweet friend. Never doubt that for one moment. Unfortunately, only they can help themselves.

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I put this off all day because I knew it would hit me (in a good way but also an emotional way).

This was beautiful and heartbreaking and I want to hug you.

You aren’t alone, cycle beaker. I see you and I’m so grateful for you. 🤍🤍🤍

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Kara, this is lovely. Thank you for choosing to share such an intimate part of your life. Such sadness and exhaustion and beauty all in one. Sending hugs from afar.

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I work with people with addiction. I so appreciate you putting into words the exhausting tension so many of us that do care are faced with - but of course we do not live with it. You are so strong not only for each step forward after what you’ve gone through but for being willing to shine light on it. It’s so important to show people how incredibly common addiction is and how awful and far-reaching is. There are effective treatments, there is a lot of controversy regarding them, but as long as it is treated as one of the final conditions people feel have moral implications (like weight) the bias associated with it keeps it from being openly accepted, studied, and debated in the public community. I don’t know if treating it as a chemical imbalance (Medication Assisted Treatment) versus a mental illness (AA) is correct but people need to see that it is a personal issue and that is what you have made possible with this. Thank you.

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Kara, you have a way with words. This was moving and articulate and beautifully painted truth. You are a gift.

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